Fun Review! 

Read the question and click on the answer you think is correct. 

What is a simile? 
a. A simile is a comparison using the words “but” and “also.”
b. A simile is a comparison using the words “like,” “as,” or “than.”
c. A simile is a word used to emphasize the difference between two things. 

2.   Which example is a metaphor?
a. She is as cute as a puppy. 
b. Its hot like summer.
Life is a roller coaster. 

3.  “She is as sweet as honey.”
a. Metaphor.
c. Neither.
4.    “He is an angle.”
b. Simile.
c. Neither.

5.    Are a simile and a metaphor the same thing?
Yes they have no differences.
 No they have many differences.
Maybe they have some similarities and differences.